Denmark (EN)

Offer in brief

ESOP 2022 – Employee Share Ownership Plan – is the name of Capgemini’s employee share ownership plan.

In line with the Group’s entrepreneurial spirit, ESOP’s goal is to associate employees sustainably in the Group’s development, allowing them to benefit from investments associated with Group performance through the growth in the Capgemini SE share price, at favorable conditions, including:

A protection of the initial personal investment in euro1. A leverage mechanism offering potentially attractive yields if the share price rises. A uniform structuring of the offer around the world.

1 Before tax and social contributions, if applicable; the amount you will receive is the countervalue in your local currency of the euro amount, using the exchange rate at the time of exit, please see the Local Supplement.

ESOP 2022 is an operation authorised by the shareholders and reserved for employees wishing to invest in the Group.