Finland (EN)

Privacy Policy and Cookies

The privacy policy put in place by CAPGEMINI, a French european company (société européenne) registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 330 703 844, whose registered office is at 11 rue de Tilsitt - 75017 Paris 17 (hereinafter 'CAPGEMINI'), is accessible via the 'Legal Notice' or 'T&C of Use' page of the website (hereinafter the 'Website').

CAPGEMINI protects the privacy of web users visiting its Website in its capacity as data controller within the meaning of French Act No 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as modified (hereinafter the 'French Data Protection Act').
The purpose of this 'Privacy Policy' document, as regards the processing of Personal Data for which CAPGEMINI is the data controller in connection with the Website, is to inform you about the following:
You undertake to familiarise yourself with the Website's General Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter the 'Legal mentions') and with the other contractual documents entered into with CAPGEMINI in connection with Your use of the Website, which together with this Privacy Policy form a set of contracts which are legally binding upon You.


The terms defined below will have the following meanings whether used in the singular or the plural:

Manner in Which Your Personal Data is Collected and Processed

CAPGEMINI collects Your Personal Data directly or indirectly, including in particular:

1. Cookies

1.1. General information
When you visit the Website, information on your browsing activity may be saved in 'cookies' stored on your Device.
A cookie is a file stored on Your Device, which records information on how you browse a website. The data thus obtained are intended to facilitate future browsing of the same website and also make it possible to measure web traffic.
These cookies are installed when You browse our Website, either directly by us or by certain L'Oréal partners. (See how to configure your cookie settings in point 1.5 below, 'Your choices with regard to cookies').

1.2 Cookies installed via the Website
The cookies we store on Your Device enable us to recognise Your browser when you log in to the Website.
These cookies enable us to do the following:

1.3 Cookies installed by third parties via the Website
We may include computer applications on the Website provided by third parties, enabling you to share content from our Website with other people or to share with such people what You view or Your opinion on content displayed on our Website. This is the case, in particular, for 'Share' and 'Like' buttons from social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Viadeo, etc.
The social network supplying such buttons may identify You thanks to the button, even if You did not use the button when visiting our Website. In effect, this type of software button may enable the social network in question to follow Your browsing activity on our Website, simply due to the fact that Your social network account was open on your Device (open session) when you were browsing our Website.
We have no control over the process employed by social networks to collect information concerning Your browsing activity on our Website and the associated Personal Data in their possession. We advise You to consult the privacy policies of such social networks to find out the purposes, notably for advertising ends, of the browsing information that may be collected thanks to such software buttons. Such privacy policies should, in particular, enable You to exercise Your choices with regard to these social networks, notably by configuring Your user account settings for each network.

1.4 Cookies installed by third parties via the Website
The storage of cookies remains subject to Your consent. You therefore have the option of configuring Your browser settings to block cookies at all times or only some of the time (depending, for instance, on the issuer). Browser settings also give You the option of enabling or blocking cookies as and when they appear, before being stored on Your Device.
Given the purposes of cookies as defined above, any settings configured to block the storage of cookies is liable to modify Your browsing experience and/or the functions, services and conditions for accessing certain services requiring the use of cookies, such as an ergonomic layout of the Website adapted to Your Device, for example.
You can select or modify your cookie settings at any time as follows:

1.5 Your choices with regard to cookies
The storage of cookies remains subject to Your consent. You therefore have the option of configuring Your browser settings to block cookies at all times or only some of the time (depending, for instance, on the issuer). Browser settings also give You the option of enabling or blocking cookies as and when they appear, before being stored on Your Device.
Given the purposes of cookies as defined above, any settings configured to block the storage of cookies is liable to modify Your browsing experience and/or the functions, services and conditions for accessing certain services requiring the use of cookies, such as an ergonomic layout of the Website adapted to Your Device, for example.
You can select or modify your cookie settings at any time as follows:

2. Purposes of Processing Personal Data

The Personal Data processing carried out by CAPGEMINI via the Website is done so for the following purposes (hereinafter the 'Purposes'):
The essential information required to enable CAPGEMINI to fulfil the purposes described above are marked with an asterisk (*) on the various pages of the Website. By failing to fill in the fields marked with an asterisk (*), you may be refused access to all or some of the Website's services and functionalities, and your Requests may not be taken into account. The other fields are optional and serve to enhance the quality of the service provided by the Website.
The other information is optional and enables us to know You better and improve the communications and services we provide to You. The information collected by CAPGEMINI includes, in particular, Your first name, surname, postal address, email address and telephone number.

3. Personal Data Retention Period

Personal Data collected are stored for the time necessary to fulfil the various Purposes described in the foregoing paragraph.
Hence, Your Personal Data regarding:
Personal Data collected are erased following the occurrence of one of the following events:

4. Recipients of the Personal Data

Depending on the purposes described above, the Personal Data collected by CAPGEMINI may be forwarded to the following recipients in order to ensure the proper functioning of the Website and the fulfilment of the Purposes: the business partners, departments and/or divisions of CAPGEMINI concerned, the departments and/or divisions of a company within the group to which CAPGEMINI belongs, and the departments and/or divisions of an establishment or agency of CAPGEMINI or one of the companies in the group to which CAPGEMINI belongs.

5. Sharing and Disclosure of Personal Data

CAPGEMINI is the sole recipient of the data collected. CAPGEMINI does not forward Your Personal Data to a third party except in the following cases:

6. Personal Data transmitted by the User unsolicited by the Group

CAPGEMINI requests that You refrain from forwarding content not requested by a questionnaire or any other data collection form, such as commercial information, advertising, personal works, ideas and concepts, etc.
Should you voluntarily supply Personal Data concerning You, particularly in the case of multimedia content (photographs and videos, etc.), you undertake to provide accurate information that does not harm the interests or infringe the rights of third parties.

7. Security Measures

CAPGEMINI makes every effort to protect your Personal Data against damage, loss, misuse, intrusion, disclosure, alteration or destruction.
Physical and electronic backup procedures for the Personal Data collected via the Website are implemented, in accordance with current French legislation regarding Personal Data protection.
CAPGEMINI employees who have access to Your Personal Data as a result of their position are bound to observe the strictest confidentiality in this respect.
CAPGEMINI does not, however, control all the risks connected to the functioning of the Internet and hereby draws Your attention to the existence of potential risks in terms of occasional losses of data or breaches of the confidentiality of data transmitted via the Internet. Information displayed on the Website may be interrupted in the case of force majeure or events outside CAPGEMINI's control, or situations outside the scope of CAPGEMINI's responsibility.

8. Accuracy of the Personal Data Collected

You represent that You are fully aware of the importance of the accuracy of the Personal Data concerning You and provided via the Website.
You thus undertake only to provide accurate Personal Data throughout your entire use of the Website, updating such Data promptly if any of the Personal Data provided changes over the course of Your use of the Website.
You may, in this respect, formulate a request to access, rectify or erase Your Personal Data in full or in part, as provided for in the section entitled 'Your access rights regarding Your Personal Data collected' in this Privacy Policy.

9. Your Access Rights Regarding Your Personal Data Collected

Pursuant to the provisions of Articles 38 to 40 of the French Data Protection Act, You have a general right to access and rectify data concerning You and processed by CAPGEMINI.
You may exercise this right by submitting Your request by email or by post to the contact details below, setting out Your request and enclosing proof of ID:


You also have the right to object to the processing of Your Personal Data for legitimate reasons (apart from for sales prospecting purposes, to which You may object without legitimate reason).

10. Unsubscribing from the Alert

Not applicable.

11. Use of the Data in the Event of a Change in Control of the Company

The Personal Data collected by CAPGEMINI may be transferred to third parties in the context of a change in control of the company, an acquisition, insolvency proceedings or sale of the company's assets.

12. Personal Data Policy Regarding Children

The Website is not aimed at children. Access to the Website is not, however, reserved only for adults, as it does not display any content prohibited for children under the age of eighteen (18) years old.
The Website's forms and questionnaires are not aimed at collecting information concerning children. If information concerning a child is collected via the Website, the child's legal representative may contact CAPGEMINI's communications department to have such information rectified, modified or erased (see 'Right of access, modification, rectification and erasure ').

13. Liability

In using this Website, You undertake to comply with the terms of this Privacy Policy.
In this respect, you are and will remain liable for any breach of this Privacy Policy, particularly regarding the confidentiality of Your Website ID data and any unauthorised use of the Website.
To this end, You will bear any pecuniary sanction that may be awarded against CAPGEMINI, particularly by any ruling handed down by a French administrative or judicial court, or by an independent administrative authority such as the CNIL (the French data protection authority), following a breach by You of Your obligations under this Privacy Policy.

Furthermore, CAPGEMINI may not be held liable in the following situations:
(i) voluntary or involuntary use of all or any of Your Personal Data by a third party;
(ii) if Your Personal Data is incorrect or has not been updated by You;
(iii) failure to comply with Your obligations under the Data Protection Regulations, this Privacy Policy and the other contractual documents legally binding on You.

14. Privacy Policy Updates

CAPGEMINI may amend its Privacy Policy. Such updates will be applied without notice and published online.
The previous Privacy Policy will be terminated by operation of law and replaced by the new version, which will be immediately binding on any User. Use of the Website is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time of use.
In light of the changes that may be made to the Privacy Policy, we advise You to visit the 'Personal Data' section regularly.

15. Questions / Contact

Should You have any questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy or the manner in which CAPGEMINI collects and uses Personal Data concerning You, please contact us by email at the following address or by post to CAPGEMINI.

16. Severability

Should one of the clauses contained in this Privacy Policy be found to be null and void, particularly as a result of a change in the legislation or a court decision, this will under no circumstances affect the validity and observance of the other clauses contained in this Privacy Policy.

17. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Privacy Policy is governed by French law.

The parties expressly agree to refer any dispute arising in connection with the validity, performance or interpretation of the Privacy Policy to the competent French court, notwithstanding multiple defendants and/or if a third party is joined to the proceedings, and even for urgent proceedings or protective proceedings brought on an urgent or an ex parte application.

Where a public order rule under French law grants exclusive jurisdiction to another court, the competent court will be the one thus designated.

18. Refusal of Tracking Cookies According to their Purpose

If you do not wish to manage tracking cookies by modifying your browser settings, below are the various ways You can refuse tracking cookies according to their purpose.
For audience tracking, we use audience-tracking solutions provided by several companies. Please find below a link to a page offering more information about each of these solutions and providing a mechanism for opting out of the trackers concerned.

Google Analytics: