Understand ESOP 2022

ESOP 2022 is a secure, attractive and easy to subscribe offer.

By subscribing to ESOP 2022 :

  • You will purchase Capgemini shares1 with a personal cash contribution which will be deducted from your paycheck in six equal installments starting in January 2022 and ending in March 31, 2023.

1 Capgemini shares are denominated in euro. Thus, the amount of your personal contribution in this plan will therefore be converted into euro by application of the exchange rate between the euro and your currency on November 2, 2022.

Who is eligible for ESOP 2022 ?

To be eligible for ESOP 2022, you must meet the following three criteria :

1. Be an employee of a Capgemini group company2. 2. Be employed by that company for at least one day between November 7 and 9, 2022 (inclusive). 3. On November 9, 2022, have been employed by Capgemini for at least three months, consecutive or otherwise, since January 1, 2021.

2 A company in which Capgemini holds a majority shareholding and which is a member of the International Group Savings Plan (IGSP).

How much can I invest?

The Capgemini group aims at enabling as many employees as possible to invest in ESOP 2022 by setting quite a low minimum subscription threshold, in respect of the legal investment limits.

Your personal contribution in ESOP 2022 is a U.S. dollar amount determined at your discretion, subject to:
  • A minimum of the aggregate subscription price for 2 shares, and
  • A maximum of 2.5% of your estimated 2022 gross annual compensation (estimated when you subscribe). “Gross annual compensation” is defined as regular earnings, retroactive earnings, 2020 Variable Compensation paid in 2022, and Sales Commission paid in 2022.

How do I pay for my investment?

Your personal investment in Capgemini shares will be paid through a salary advance (interest-free loan from your employer) and will be repaid by you through payroll deductions.
The payroll deductions will be applied in six (6) equal installments. The first payroll deduction will be taken from your first salary payment in January 2023 with the last deduction being in March 2023.