Simulate your investment

Are you not sure about subscribing?
Do you want to have a better understanding of the offer?
Simulate your potential gain and check your investment limit using the simulator:  

This simulator allows you to estimate the amount you can invest in ESOP 2022 and the potential return on your investment:

How much can you invest in ESOP 2022?

If you wish to know the maximum amount that you can invest in ESOP 2022, please enter your 2022 estimated gross annual compensation in US Dollars:

You can invest in ESOP 2022 at most 0.25% of your 2022 estimated gross annual compensation. For more details, please refer to the ESOP 2022 brochure.
The Reference Price of Capgemini share (in EUR) is:
The exchange rate (1 Euro = ? USD) is:
Then the maximum number of Capgemini shares that you can subscribe under the Plan is (after applying the 12.5% discount):
Corresponding to

What level of profit could your investment generate?

You wish to calculate the potential amount that you could receive at the end of the plan, depending on the evolution of Capgemini share price.
If your investment in ESOP 2022 is:
Corresponding to
If the protected average increase of the Capgemini share price over the 5 years is:
You will recover at maturity XX times your investment:

Minimum investment = 2 Capgemini shares

* The performance of your investment is calculated on the basis of a multiple of the protected average increase. The protected average increase is the average of the Capgemini share price readings each month: the value of each reading is the highest value between the share price and the reference price. Only increases in the share above the reference price are therefore taken into account.

** The examples and simulations assume no change in the exchange rate between the euro and the USD between inception and maturity of the plan

WARNING: The protected average increase of the Capgemini share price is calculated from the average of 60 monthly readings and not from the quoted share price at the end of the plan.

Important notice
This simulator has been prepared for information only and allows you to test the potential performance of an investment in ESOP 2022. You should note, however, that this simulator is based on a potential investment price and produces only potential results. It does not give any guarantee of actual investment returns in the future. Actual investment returns will be determined in whole or in part on the basis of the actual investment price and the actual price of the Capgemini share in the future. No assurances may be given as to how the share price will evolve in the future, or as to any other factors that may affect the value of your investment and are beyond the scope of this simulator including, among others, the cost of tax and social security charges. Please see the ESOP 2022 Brochure, the Local Supplement, the Local Tax Note and the documents of the plan for a description of factors that may affect the value of your investment in the future. You should also note that while this simulator shows investment returns in your local currency, your investment will be denominated in Euro. While exchange rate fluctuations may affect the value of your gains, they will not affect the guarantee of your personal contribution. This means that the value of your gains when expressed in your currency will vary with changes in the currency exchange rate between the Euro and your currency. If the value of the Euro compared to your currency increases, the value of your gains in your currency will increase, whereas if the value of the Euro decreases, the value of your gains in your currency will decrease.